The fifth bed in the garden

Last week, Chris the stonemason built the fifth raised bed in the Rumwoldstow garden and it looks fab.

The foundations ready for the new bed
Buildiing underway, with a flagstone set on end as a feature in the middle of the south wall of the bed

I was very sad a few weeks ago, to break my memorial Dungeon Keeper II mug with my name on it, a relic from my time as a level designer for that game. I am left with just a framed DVD and a T-shirt. It’s a shame because I was fond of the mug and it held a lot of coffee. But, if you use things, they may break, and if you don’t you might as well not have them and save the space.
Al had the smart idea to build the fragments into the raised bed, behind the square stone on the south wall of the bed. So in it went, now there for posterity!

A relic from my past as a computer games developer
…now part of Rumwoldstow’s fabric!

I also managed to get out in time to photograph the red frilly poppies before the petals fell – they last until about 11 am. I will try collecting seeds from that stem, I have no idea whether they’ll breed true but it’s worth a try.

The miraculous poppies
The completed bed with the square stone, behind which my mug is preserved

As the plants come into flower, we are seeing a good number of bees of all shapes and sizes. I particularly like this vast bumble bee who loves the borage – which may or may not be authentic for Anglo-Saxon.

There was a dill plant in that bed, and it did well initially but died in mid June for no obvious reason. It’s the only plant which hasn’t flourished.

I have a stash of plants ready to go into the new bed, when Brother Julian is free to fill it with soil and horse manure.