The roof is a slow job…

…but back in June, Al was still hard at work first building the structure of the rafters, then laying boards on top.

It’s a temporary feature, but I love the shadows cast by the rafters
See those timbers forming the roof structure of the central gateway? Those were cut from a sycamore just behind the cloister. They’ve travelled about 50m.
The Ziggurat of pallets is both useful and decorative; far more stable than typical scaffolding.
A view through a classic Anglo-Saxon stone window into what is actually starting to feel like a room now!

Bishop Godfrid

The humble monastery of Rumwoldstow was honoured to be visited by the esteemed bishop, Godfrid, and his utterly splendid cat Isidore. As Rumwoldstow exists before the Benedictine reforms of the mid-tenth century, the monastery and the behaviour of the nuns would not have been subject to very strict inspection.

Bishop Godfrid and Isidore

However, Godfrid’s visit caused much consternation, as is told in a linked set of short videos made in association with the Dark Ages Society:
Bishop Godfrid visits Rumwoldstow, a tale in video

Not interested in videos? Well, the only other news is that the wild strawberries which have taken over part of the garden are ripe. And while the nuns live on a simple diet, it would be sinful to waste the lord’s bounty!