Last paddle of the flood

A good week after the rains, Lake Meadow is returning from Lake to Meadow, but there was just enough water still for one last paddle on a very pleasant sunny afternoon.

Greenland is still accessible…
with bonus train!
The wrong kind of dock
but it is very peaceful out on the water
Al taking a turn

My paddling has improved, and I think I’m getting more propulsion, more reliably, for less effort. However, as soon as the breeze picks up, the coracle goes with the wind, and the gentle brushing of the grass and docks against the hull was enough to overcome my paddling – I had to use the paddle as a pole instead, to propel the Bootle-Bumtrinket along in the shallower parts. Even the footpaths, which are worn lower, were too shallow in places – deep enough for me to float, but too much resistance from the grass.

Alas! No more paddling until the floods return! At least it means I can put a positive spin on the flooding as well as worrying about the house…