Open day, July 2023

It’s been a long time since Rumwoldstow opened its gates to visitors; we had an event planned for June of this year but PLAGUE STRUCK! (We finally got COVID-19). Fortunately we were blessed by St Rumwold and recovered relatively quickly, as these things go.

Our rebooked date was 22 July and the event was marred only by heavy rain and a train strike. A number of people came along despite the rain and we enjoyed a fire and barbecue supper in the gatehouse once our various guests had departed. Many thanks to those members of The Vikings who visited as peaceful traders and even brought their own awning to shelter from the persistent rain. Kudos to the fighters who trained with and demonstrated medieval weaponry out in the open.

Leif, a surprisingly friendly Viking warrior
Lots of re-enactors, and a few hardy visitors, sheltering from the rain
A tabula board, ignored as everyone is too busy making warm clothes!
Warriors in training
The Rumwoldstow gatehouse is a bit breezy but much better than no shelter
Local boy Tinky comes to check the work of the scribes