Ninety apple seedlings

At current count, I have 90 little apple seedlings, including the three Braeburn pippins from last year, which may or may not have made it through the winter. The new seedlings are still very tiny; I have moved them outdoors so they can get more light and air than the kitchen windowsill can provide, but am putting them in the unheated greenhouse overnight. The weather isn’t frosty but they still might not like the unaccustomed chill. Yes, that means lots of to-ing and fro-ing with pots, twice a day! I think they are also not up to withstanding torrential rain yet, they need to get more developed.

Apples are dicotyledons, meaning two seed leaves. However several of the seedlings have three, meaning they are mutants I guess. I have no idea if this will correlate with apple quality, but will have to mark the tricots so that I can find out in due course.

So far they all look much the same, though perhaps the Gala are skinnier and taller.

Back row: two pots of Discovery. Middle row: Egremont Russett. Front row; a seed from the tree behind the forge at Murton Park (Yorkshire Museum of Farming).
Back two rows: apples from Scotland described as “cox like”. Middle row: one Gala at the left, then two pots of alleged Cox from Aynho at the right. Front row: Gala.

A second seed from the “Hauksby forge” tree has germinated, it is in solitary state in the kitchen as it has not yet started to grow above the ground. There are another dozen in a tub which may yet germinate. But otherwise, I’m done! This is the trees!