Spring lambs on the meadow

Now that Lake Meadow has dried out and the grass has started to regrow, the local farmer has moved a small flock of sheep down there. Particularly adorable are the four hand-reared lambs, who love a bit of attention.

Playful lambs

The local kites are nesting in a tree nearby after driving crows off their nest. I assume they’re interested in the health of the lambs below…but not in a good way…

Red kite
Peacock butterfly
Old apple tree now in full flower
Apple blossom
Quince tree flowers starting to open
Not very clear, but quince blossom
Cherry blossom

The medlar is still not in bloom, but has many tightly-closed roselike buds. And here is one last photo of the sheep, because sheep.

Snoozy sheep

Trees and sheep

After a good rainy day, we’re back to sunshine with a slightly chilly breeze – perfect seasonal weather for April, which seems strange as it’s so unexpected.

A local farmer has put some sheep on the Rumwoldstow meadow. Lambs! We can hear the baaing from the monastery garden.

In the orchard, the apple trees are coming into bloom, the pears are developing, and the cherry is in flower.

Apple blossom (Wyken pippin)
Apple blossom (Hambledon Deux Ans)
Pear (Uvedale’s St Germain)
Pear with early fruit (Louise Bonne of Jersey)
Apple blossom (unspecified)
Cherry blossom